Emblem of the Enoch Club. Today, the processing of down and feather is one of the most cost-effective activities. Every year more and more entrepreneurs decide to go into the down business. Such popularity is associated with simple processing technology and the possibility of quick earnings. On average, it takes up to 15 minutes to process down or feather of one product. The pen is suitable for dry cleaning only. In this case, the product is carefully torn apart, and then processed from the inside. If it is a pillow, then it is possible to replace the old pillowcase. Thanks to special equipment for the restoration of the product, dust is quickly collected.

Feathers and down are valuable raw materials with a wide range of applications.

The most valuable down is the raw material obtained by plucking geese during their lifetime. Versatility and high technological quality allows the use of such a filler, both for pillows and for warm clothes. Down products are quite expensive. Therefore, many choose restoration. Thanks to special installations, any product can easily be given its original look.

In order for a business to be successful, it is necessary to correctly and carefully draw up a business plan. It is also worth buying special equipment for collecting dust, as well as agreeing with suppliers of down and feathers if you do not have your own farm. In addition, it is also recommended to study the sales market as clearly as possible. An option for a successful business is cooperation with factories for sewing bedding sets, pillows, as well as outerwear. With the right miscalculation, the down and feather processing business is a fairly profitable investment.