They say that today there are more than 500 PR definitions. It is not surprising that people who are not specialists in the field of marketing are sometimes difficult to understand why this is needed.

We will try to answer this question.

PR (in this case, we are not talking about political technologies, but we are considering PR in the field of business) – this is the formation of public opinion, the creation of a reputation and management of the company's reputation. PR should provide an effective dialogue between the organization and its target audience, forming and maintaining the reputation of the organization, a positive image of its services and key employees.

PR is a continuous activity consisting of a sequence of shares subordinated to a single goal and united long -term program.

Recent studies show that 96% of companies are confident in the need to maintain a reputation for successful business development, 77% argue that a good reputation of the company greatly contributes to the growth of sales of goods and services, and 61% believe that the reputation of the company has a significant impact on the involvement Attention to the activities of the company and accordingly products.

Thus, PR is management activities, professional management of the company's reputation. According to statistics, over the past 15 years, the share of the value of the reputation in the total cost of the Western company has increased from 18 to 82%. This trend is also characteristic of Russian business. Not only large corporations and holdings, but also enterprises of medium and small businesses should manage their reputation. Otherwise, the opinion about the company will be uncontrollably.

It is important to understand that PR is:

  • Not manipulation of public consciousness, but informing about the real state of things
  • Not free advertising, media PR relations are built at free
  • It is not the lack of an article of expenses in the company’s budget: we need money for events, the manufacture of presentation products (booklets, press kits, souvenirs, etc.).
  • Not only media communications, clients, partners, investors, but also their own employees. The activities of Public Relations have not yet received its full development in Russia, it is tied to major political actions, such as presidential and parliamentary elections, elections to regional authorities, and is also developing as business and proprietary and promotions of large companies, holdings, holdings, holdings corporations.

In case of speaking, public Relayshenses is indirect advertising, self -promotion is all kinds of contacts that you support with the public and the media. For example, if you smiled affably, giving the goods to the client – indirectly you made yourself a good advertisement.

Traditional spheres PR in business

The traditional sphere of PR in business has become charity. Its main application is support for educational programs.

Interestingly, it was well known about these problems already in antiquity. Cicero speaks of charity and generosity: After all, in relation to those in need, they do good either with deeds or money. The second method is more easy, especially for a wealthy person, but the first is more beautiful, more brilliant and worthy of a brave and glorified husband.

There are modern statements, for example, Nikita Mikhalkov, who protects modern business in this regard: “How do you know what Savva Morozov or Ryabushinsky thought about when you gave money for the theater? Maybe they also“ laundered ”dirty money. This is now, now, now, now Over time, they acquired a museum plaque. And the image of a loser businessman arises: there is nowhere to put money for him – you, Chaliapin, sing and drink. I think they had their own interests and besides art. But now it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. It is not important. As the Tretyakovka and Abramtsevo arose. Give – thanks, for a good deed – thank God.

Corporate financial relations became a separate area of ​​PR. Their complexity is that, as was discovered, a separate depositor cannot control fixed capital. This opportunity has only large funds (investment, pension, etc.).

A difficult situation required specific results from PR-mans that began to fulfill the following tasks in the financial field:

  • determination of the attitude to the company by depositors, financial analysts, government officials and legislators;
  • recommendation of a communicative strategy taking into account common goals;
  • assistance in creating text products (letters to depositors, intermediate and annual reports, etc.);
  • achievement of agreements on meetings, preparation of information materials for meetings and presentations;
  • Writing financial press releases, answers to requests for financial publications.

PR acts in a supporting position in relation to marketing. Here, according to American PR experts, the following tasks are necessary:

  1. The spread of news associated with the launch of new products and services.
  2. Promotion of already manufactured products and services (including the search promotion of the site).
  3. Creating a favorable image of the company.
  4. The study of public opinion.
  5. Ensuring the lighting of conferences, exhibitions, etc.

The principle of functioning of PR technologies

Many perceive the concept of public realties in a narrow sense, believing that it boils down only to create a positive reputation to an individual or individual company. At the same time, one of the main functions of the public relations, and few people know about this, is to stimulate sales in the industrial product and technology market. Therefore, a large American specialist from Bosel and Jacobs gave such a definition of public relations: This is the planned publication of materials in the business and commercial press.The word planned clearly shows an action that must be planned, which requires studying, drawing up a schedule, using professional experience and skill, as well as reporting mechanism. Only after the necessary materials are prepared in accordance with the plan or by your order, it is important to publish them in the business and commercial press.

Own definition of PR is the first and one of the most important elements in the technology of public relations. In the most general form, this technology looks as follows:

  • Determine (formulate) your position. An integral part of its position is precisely the own definition of PR.
  • Determine the position of the customer of the work (if you carry out the campaign by PR for yourself, this item disappears).
  • Determine the position of those people or groups with which you establish ties.
  • To analyze the interests (positions) of all parties and formulate another position that can be one for everyone. Simply put, find a compromise.
  • To do what the compromise was for for – to realize the goal set by the customer of the work.

How PR differs from advertising

For many people, the concepts of PR and advertising, contextual advertising are still identical. This is especially noticeable in the field of business, where all marketing technologies pursue the only goal – to increase the profit from the sale of goods or services. What is the difference between these two such close terms?

Sam Black, a large American marketing specialist, offers a whole table of PR differences from advertising. If you reduce all these calculations to the common denominator, it can be noted that advertising specializes in the flows of sales-purchases, while PR is fully responsible for all communications of the organization.

As for marketing, PR is used anywhere in the marketing strategy – the name of the product, packaging, research, price determination, sale, distribution and after -sales services.

S. Black also notes that some PR programs contain a large amount of advertising, and in advertising campaigns there are often PR technologies. This applies to large advertising campaigns such as consumer beliefs to use a certain variety of gasoline, since the company is busy protecting the environment, scientific research, and education. In some, the company [PR departments also include advertising units.

Color palette Public Relations

Public Relations are most often classified by colors. The beginning of this was the division of PR into clean (white) and dirty (black). Like a real, white PR, and black – peers of civilization. You can recall many historical persons who have become victims of black PR. For example, Salieri, whom many still sincerely consider the poisoner of Mozart, or Vlad Tepes – the prototype of the famous Count Dracula. Meanwhile, the advertising industry developed, and the opposition of black and white gradually became an anachronism.Modern PR is a real riot of colors.

White PR is considered the use of classical Public Relations technologies: providing honest and transparent information, verified and indisputable data. In general, data, on the basis of which all the media (television, radio, newspapers and magazines) will be able to draw a true portrait of the brand as it really is, without exaggeration and embellishment.

This, as a rule, is the use of “black technologies” (deception, falsification) to denigrate, destroy a competing company, brand, etc., dissemination of insulting or economically dangerous statements on its behalf, etc. Sometimes it is enough to limit yourself to the publication of compromising. The phrase is formed by analogy with the expression black propaganda.

In the early 1990s, the “black” PR was mainly understood by the publication of “paid” articles, regardless of their orientation (“for” or “against”), in contrast to PR “correct” (the concept of “white” PR was not at all in go) – that is, carried out by more subtle and legal methods.

The “black” PR of those years caused direct analogies with the Black Nala and the Black Market, since the money transferred to publications for publications did not appear in any official financial documents, and these publications themselves were positioned as their own, “independent” .

In fact, little has changed since then, but in connection with the war of compromises of the mid-90s, the concept of black was filled with a new meaning that is invested in it today.

Gray (or hidden) PR

If you mix white and black paint, it turns out gray. A similar situation with Gray PR. In general, it is advertising (positive or negative), hiding its source. Unlike Black PR, does not imply a direct lies about its origin.

Also, gray is sometimes understood as a type of indirect black PR, which does not contain direct lies, but there is an effect on the subconscious. For example, when the murder material is separately mentioned that it happened next to the office of a certain company, which makes you suspect this company of involvement.

What is the yellow press probably know everyone. And if they don’t know, then they probably saw this very “jaundice” firsthand. The main material of the yellow media is built on scandals, loud revelations, inflated sensations and other shocking materials.

UFO was stolen by a man, a star in bed with a lover, the whole truth about the dirty deeds of the politician – about this and much more can be read on the pages of the yellow press or see on the yellow channels of TV. A similar situation with the yellow PR: loud, revealing, shocking. But not the fact that it is true.

In other words, yellow PR is always shocking. The use of insulting for most elements (taboo words in names, in images – the use of sexual content – from nude, through eroticism – to pornography, in public actions – pseudo -agility, statement of racist, xenophobic statements, etc.)

It is based on the technology of myths and legends and is intended to satisfy the need of people to hide a bedspread of illusions.

In countries with a developed market economy, almost any organization focused on the development and long -term functioning in the market pays great attention to its history. In image rollers, information about the company and its goods is submitted, as a rule, through the history of the company.

The formation of the history of the company for our country is especially relevant. Organizations, phantoms, which flooded Russia at the initial stage of the formation of market relations, spontaneously disappearing, often together with consumers' money, largely undermined confidence in non-state organizations. Fortunately, the period of economic foam has come to an end, but the fair stereotype of the consumer – an organization that has no past, probably has no future – remained. Therefore, today the technologies of the pink PR are especially clearly traced at the stage of creating the history of the company.

Interesting emotional bikes are very well remembered by employees and continue their existence already in their retelling. At its core, the legends and myths of the company can be very different. The main thing is that they form positive models of behavior. Stories can be: about the relationship in the organization, about who has achieved success within the company, about negotiations with partners, about the most successful transactions.

If problems arise with history, a legend is created. It is desirable that the legend is not a pure fiction, but beautifully, spectacularly and in the right angle presented by real events.

Brown PR

It is understood as something related to neo -fascist and fascist propaganda. However, there is another approach to this term. Some of the marketers believe that brown PR is used to give the advertising product of the coloring of the militari. A striking example is the use of military uniforms, words with military teams: “hang up”, “stand”, “squeeze”, “fire”, etc.

As you know, green is the color of mother nature. Hence the name of advertising technology – green PR. For example, the inscriptions natural, non -toxic, environmentally friendly on the lamping lamp, deodorant or cosmetics automatically force that they are made of more useful for health tested for the safety of ingredients. Advertising, which is emphasized on the environmental purity of the product, its usefulness for human health and the environment, has long become one of the most popular ways to influence the consumer. In a broader sense, any social advertising is called green PR.

The goal of the golden PR is to create an image of the brand based on its pricing policy. At the same time, the brand itself can be painted in any color. But the main emphasis is on the price and benefit for the consumer.If you buy our product (will cooperate with our companies), you will get a lot of happiness in monetary terms – this is what the Golden PR is talking about. If you exaggerate a little, then the entire advertising of the financial sphere is inlaid to one degree or another.

Other varieties of PR in business

Viral PR – The term viral means autonomous distribution in this context. It is based on the needs of people to share interesting information with their circles of friends and acquaintances (see promotion on social networks).

Conflict PR – Work in the field of a clash of interests: competition, conflicts around property, confrontation between business and admin resource, politics.

Judicial PR – Management of communications (information interaction) during the entire legal dispute, conflict, in order to influence the result or fence from the negative impact of the client’s reputation and his business.

From the point of view of the political technologist, PR can be effective or ineffective. No more.

The most common terms public Relevs

Each of these terms has its own specific goals and their own technologies.

Image (Image) – in a literal translation from English – an image. Speaking about the image, first of all, they mean the appearance of a person, organization, goods, etc. But the appearance is only a form in which this or that content is manifested. For example, the athlete puts on comfortable sportswear, goods for young children have a safe streamlined shape, a prosperous company has its office in the city center, etc. Since the appearance depends on the internal content, sometimes they speak of the external and internal image.

Publicity (publicity) – translated from English – publicity, publicity, advertising. This term, as a rule, is used in relation to organizations. Plisity is such an image of an organization that is already approved in the public consciousness, that is, only mentioning the name of the organization is enough, so that any person immediately has an idea of ​​what this organization is when it arises, how it does, how reliable, what is different. from other similar organizations, etc. Plisity, as it were, creates the effect of the presence of the organization in the life of society and the private person. For example, the Plisity of the “Red Cross” is an idea of ​​charity at the theater of military operations and in the natural disaster zone, the Plisit of Greenpeace is based on the shocking authorities of environmental actions, etc.

Promotion (Promotion) – translated from English – promotion, nomination, assistance. Promotion in PR implies the fulfillment of a certain plan to achieve a certain goal – promotion. Thus, we can talk about the promotion of goods in the market, bearing in mind the increase in demand for it (pro-canal of the goods), about the promotion of a politician, when a person consistently wins the elections (the promotion of politics), etc.

PR is just beginning to master the business space.Public technologies of the Rileshnz are actively developing in areas such as promoting brands, working with shareholders and investors. And tomorrow's business PR, according to many experts, is associated with integrated marketing communications (IMK). He will combine marketing, organizational and PR into a single system of interaction between the company with the outside world.