Do you remember that moment when the idea “I will start my own company” came to your head? You had dreams, vision, motivation and a lot of willingness to make it happen. However, when you wanted to take steps that would bring you closer to your dream goal, it turned out that you did not know where to start, you got lost, you devoted time to insignificant issues. Not everything was going as you imagined. Before you started your business for good, you were already frustrated and wanted to quit it all… Do you know this situation? We were there too! We will tell you what to do to turn your dreams into specific goals and your goals into actions and, step by step, move on to success.

Goals that are not written are just wishes

The first and most important thing to start with is to write down your dreams. Even if you think that you have everything thought out, writing it down will allow you to have a holistic view of it. You will be able to reflect on whether or not you want to shoulder too much. Or you may find that your plans and dreams are mutually exclusive.

Why should you write down your goals? Here are 4 reasons:

  1. Your motivation grows. Seeing that you have something to accomplish, your sense of responsibility towards yourself increases. It works a bit like giving yourself a business command 😉
  2. You are not forgetting your goal . The saved will not perish among everyday duties, will not fall out of memory under the pressure of the multitude of daily tasks.
  3. You concentrate your efforts. The saved goal does not get mixed up with other tasks, dreams or wishes. It is concrete and you focus your attention on it.
  4. You can easily come back to it after some time , assess what stage of its implementation you are at.

Make your goal wise!

Halina Bernatt Business planner, leader of KPM Wałbrzych, suggests using the SMARTER method to assess whether your goals are achievable. What is under this name? The point is that your goal should be:

S – specific, defined, concrete

M – measurable – will you be able to measure the degree of achievement of the goal and how? Measurability can be expressed in various ways, e.g. the number of followers on Instagram, the number of products sold, the number of articles written by them.

A – ambitious, but realistic to achieve – too difficult and too simple tasks, take away the motivation to carry them out

R – feasible – that is, one that you are able to implement taking into account your current life and professional situation, your skills and resources.

T – timed – set a specific date for achieving your goal.

E – exciting – if you get shivers and excitement at the thought of reaching your goal, you are on the right track. If you feel resistance, it is worth considering whether the goal you are setting is right for you.

R – physically saved – yes, it’s a very important thing! You have to write it down because it will make it real.

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels

For big purpose move in small steps

When you decide that the goal you have dreamed of meets the above requirements, you can proceed to the next step. Break your goal down into smaller pieces. A large, demanding and complicated task, such as starting your own business, can seem overwhelming if we look at it as a whole. If you divide them into smaller parts, it will be easier for you to start implementing them. Break them down into the smallest possible tasks, break them down into prime factors until more can be done. This will allow you to achieve your goal, even if you can spend a maximum of 15 minutes on it on a given day. Checking off even such small things is a great pleasure and gives you the feeling that you are moving forward.

Set a specific target date

The next step is to set specific dates for achieving smaller goals. Remember to take into account not only your own wishes, but most of all possibilities. If you set up a business and at the same time look after your child (or children) at home, some things will take more time than if your children are in kindergarten or school. So think real, not wishful, it will help you avoid frustration.


Napoleon Hill

Enter individual tasks into the calendar

The last step that is worth taking is to schedule specific actions for specific days in the calendar. Plan your day to include all your activities – washing, ironing, cooking, babysitting, activities related to achieving professional goals and REST !. This is a very important point, do not forget about it. Without rest, you will not have enough energy to make your dreams come true. If you are looking for tips on how to combine work and family life, take a look HERE, you will find some useful tips here.

If you still do not know how to go about achieving your goal, you can seek professional advice. Halina Bernatt Business planner , the owner of Active Time Wałbrzych and the leader of the Club of Entrepreneurial Mamas in Wałbrzych, supports women like you.

Halina Bernatt Business Planist

Entrepreneurial Mam Club

The Club of Entrepreneurial Moms is a project of the Parent in the City Foundation.

Main photo by Bich Tran from Pexels

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