Some children find it easy to fulfill their compulsory education. For others, it is more of a must than a pleasure, but there are also some who even rebel against learning. When a child refuses to go to school, parents wonder what is causing it. Finding the reason is the key to solving the puzzle and restoring the student’s comfort, confidence and joy in learning and being with peers.

Unfortunately, the answer to the question “ why your child won’t go to school ” is not always easy to find. As long as the reluctance is not the result of being unprepared for the test, fatigue or a conflict with a colleague from the bench, it lasts longer and brings about disturbing changes in behavior, it should be taken seriously. Sometimes it’s a good idea to see a child psychologist for help.

Why doesn’t my child want to go to school?

When a child refuses to go to school, parents wonder why it is. What is the reluctance from? Sometimes from fatigue, lack of sleep, malaise. The problem can be quite “trivial” and talking to the student, possibly with his teachers, will help in solving it. Sometimes, however, especially younger children, they close in on themselves and cannot or do not want to explain their antipathy.

Meanwhile, there can be quite a few reasons why your child refuses to go to school . Most often they include:

  • longing for parents,
  • problems with establishing and maintaining relationships with peers,
  • withdrawing from the group due to e.g. a different appearance or specific lifestyle,
  • bullying by peers,
  • disliking the teacher,
  • fear of suffering the consequences of bad behavior,
  • striving to be the best, which is not always successful,
  • trouble concentrating and excessive mobility making it difficult to sit in a bench,
  • trouble seeing / hearing
  • lack of understanding of the material, learning backlog.

As you can see, most of the reasons are quite serious and explain quite well the situation in which the child does not want to go to school. What to do to help him? Avoiding the facility is impossible and skipping school leads to arrears. Instead of running away, your child should feel strong and confident enough to face their demons. Necessary support must be given to the child by the parents, and sometimes also by a specialist.

Check: First visit to a child psychologist.

What if my child doesn’t want to go to school?

When a child cries, rebels, simulates illness, and does whatever it takes to avoid school, the atmosphere at home becomes very unbearable. As a parent, you only want the best for your child, but you can’t go on and on with justifications. This is not the way! Start by finding an answer to the reason for the behavior change, then find out what to do if your child refuses to go to school. At this point:

  • talking with the child is the basis, but you may also need to consult a psychologist and educator, or maybe your best friend or friend,
  • name emotions, this way you can determine if the child feels fear, anger, anxiety, sadness, it will be easier for you to understand his behavior,
  • stay calm – although the situation is very stressful, your nerves will only make the situation worse
  • take care of a long and healthy sleep child – plan the day in such a way that there is time for rest, play, blissful laziness, walk, favorite hobby – learning is not everything!

Despite many discussions and trying to find out why your child refuses to go to school, you still haven’t found the reason? Or maybe you already know what it is about, but you are not able to help your daughter or son and you do not know what to do when the child is not attending school? In such situations, you can use a psychological consultation.

“My child doesn’t want to go to school” – when to see a psychologist?

For some parents, visiting a psychologist may be considered a last resort. However, it is not worth refraining from seeking professional help at all costs. If you do not know why a preschooler cries when breaking up, has nightmares, cannot adapt in a group, and an older child gets into conflicts with peers and simulates diseases – turn to a specialist. Not only will he / she interview your child, but also advise you on what to do if your child does not want to go to school.

It’s definitely a good idea to change your approach to learning. Psychologists advise that the school obligation, which we mentioned at the very beginning, should be treated as an opportunity for development, an opportunity to acquire new knowledge, a fascinating adventure introducing into the world of adults. Children love to imitate their parents, therefore, treating school as a place of fun and an opportunity to satisfy their curiosity, they will be more likely to visit it.

In justified cases, when the child does not want to go to school , where he is disliked, unaccepted, disrespected, the level of education is inadequate to his / her abilities or potential, the best idea may be to change the institution.

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